Local Real Estate Market Showing Some Signs of Normalcy.

Residential real estate sales across the region from Revelstoke to Eastgate Manning Park and into the South Peace River region are showing signs of normal seasonal activity for the month of September, reports the Association of Interior REALTORS®.

“There has been a lot of talk about high demand and while we are still seeing a strong demand it actually is within a healthy range,” says the Association of Interior REALTORS® President Kim Heizmann, adding that “the amount of supply is just so low creating an imbalance that makes demand seem overwhelming.”

In the month of September, residential sales for the entire Association region saw a slight decrease over August’s 1,140 sales totaling 1,067 sales. The year-over-year comparison showed a decrease of 29% from September 2020’s total sales of 1,513.

Click here for the full report